Monday, November 10, 2008

On the Chapter 7 test...

I think I may have mentioned how the Jacobs text ramps things up a bit as we go along... more of your children hitting a mental wall and such.  This could very well happen on this next test on Chapter 7.  For the first time, they'll be given a test filled with problems where they have to figure out what tool to use (permutations, combinations, or the fundamental counting principle) to solve each problem.  So... you can see where the train can easily come off the tracks.  They might be able to solve these three types of problems swimmingly when they're explicitly told what kind they are.  Not so for this test.

Just a quick heads up so you know what's coming.  The questions we'll talk about to use during the test revolve around, "Does the order in which things come make a difference?"  "How many CHOICES do we have?"  "Does one CHOICE make a difference with a subsequent choice??"  Fun stuff!!!! ;)