Friday, March 21, 2008

Today we got our tests back and worked on corrections. Corrections are due when we get back from Spring Break.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Finishing test

The kids finished their test today and they will get feedback tomorrow.  Overall?  Not bad.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Test Today/Tomorrow

We started our test, and apparently I was a bit overzealous!  The kiddos will finish tomorrow.

What Matthew's Desk Looks Like on Test Days :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Test Tomorrow!!

Reminder for first, second, and fourth period that tomorrow is a test

HW, volume of a sphere

HW, volume of a cone

HW on pyramids

Test Tomorrow!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Graphing HW

Graphing HW 2

Geo intro

Pre-Al Review- Test Wednesday!

For the Pre-Al test you should be able to...

~Solve problems involving Order of Operations
~Evaluate exponents
~Solve problems involving rational numbers (fraction, decimals, and percents) as well as integers (signed numbers, positives/negatives)
~Translate written expressions into mathematical expressions
~Evaluate algebraic expressions by plug it in, plug it in.
~Simplify variable expressions using properties and combining like terms.
~Identify the Properties of Real Numbers (Commutative, Associative, Identity, Inverse, Distributive, etc.)
~Solve one-, two- and multi-step equations
~Solve a variety of word problems
~Graph a linear equation using an x/y chart
~Find the surface area and volume of a variety of shapes

Friday, March 14, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Today we checked our homework and are doing #21 plug it in Wp's 161-170

Monday, March 10, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5th 2008

Today we did Word Problems, One and Two step Equations.

+ every one forgot to bring food .... oh well..

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Matthew's Away!

Hey all!

I'm going to be away Wednesday-Friday of this week and I wanted to let you know (1) there won't be any blog posts or phone call posts and (2) give you an idea of what your kiddos will be doing.

On Monday we practiced writing mathematical expressions from words to get them ready for these next few days.

On Wednesday the kids will be working on step-by-step one- and two-step word problems.  You may see these come home that night.

Thursday will be spent practicing writing expressions from word problems--not actually solving them, just writing out the expression.

Friday will be the kicker--uniform motion word problems and percent word problems from the Algebra text.  They aren't the hardest, but they aren't easy either!

Look for the next post (from me) on Monday!  The kids should still continue to make posts :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Things we are going to do this week

Monday (today) Translating words into expressions

Wednesday (block- bring your food) One and two step word problems (the "Hold your hand" kind)

Thursday Word problem expressions

Friday Algebra Word Problems (Uniform motion, d=rt, things like What is 3% of 10?)

Bring food on Wed. for Block Schedule!

Bring something on Wednesday!


Bagels and Cream Cheese
Baked goods