As always we started with the warm up. Sigh... Our Right Hand Man kind of lost it today. We tried to do the warm up, but he gave us the wrong answer. That's okay, because he has the 1-9 logarithms memorized!
Then we went over homework like normal, nothing too great.
There are 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
ways to shuffle a deck of cards!
Oh! Happy Days!, Matthew just got a ginormous new white board! Check it out below!
Following our homework check, we did a review of Chapter 4. Scientifico notationo... big honkin' numbers... logs... (2*10^4)(4*10^3) = 8*10^7 ... 7.90... whatever the big honkin' number is... That is all of Chapter 4!
Now on to Lesson 5.
All done.
No homework!